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Preschool is Magic

A great way to get children excited about going to Preschool.

A fun and motivational performance designed for the beginning of the year. Reinforcing key values and establishing the Preschool environment as a fun and educational place

This exciting and interactive performance presents themes from the Superkids and Mind your Manners Show whilst introducing new topics highlighting the fun

you can have at Preschool.

During the performance we learn about:

My first day at Pre-School

Manners are important - saying please & thank you

Sharing is Caring

Why water is a magical drink

Wearing a hat & using sunscreen

Colouring & painting

Singing and counting

         Duration:                 50 minutes

         Suitability:               Ages 3 - 5

         Cost(inc GST):         $440.00

Please note these prices are for Sydney and Metro areas.

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